Andeyah, a country, is a constitutional, theocratic, meritocratic diarchy, led by two Mooteyahs-Eneyah and Aso-who govern The United Tantahs of Andeyah. While both Mooteyahs share equal power, they oversee distinct regions, with Eneyah leading the Enen Tantahs (Trandeyah and Villeyah) and Aso leading the Ason Tantahs (Sandeyah and Islandeyah, including its sub-Tantahs), with both leading NahNah. Their leadership is guided by Andaist principles and the teachings of Hanah and Nahan.
Andeyahn Flag
Orange: The color of the sky during sunrise and moonset, it also represents the color of the yellow obelisk when there was no light in the sky.
Green/Blue: The exact color is suspected to be the color of Hannah’s oasis, where Nahan and Hanah met. The green part represents land, and the blue part represents water. It is purposely larger in the middle to resemble a river flowing through.
White: Represents the color it looked like when Hannah and Nahan rose after their bodies were burned (that’s how bright it was). It also symbolizes how clean Hanah and Nahan's shinskai was.
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